Campaign Images
Where political angst meets Photoshop (feel free to click on an image and grab the original – make yourself a bumper sticker or post to Facebook)….
Where political angst meets Photoshop (feel free to click on an image and grab the original – make yourself a bumper sticker or post to Facebook)….
People seem to be all excited about Romney’s pledge to cut funding for the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Perhaps he should have said that he would cut funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) which in turn helps fund PBS. Funding for PBS is rather tangled. For example, much of its support comes from Read the rest
Note: Over the last 25 years, our church has evolved a blended style of worship that includes both traditional and contemporary elements. Recently, some of our members expressed dissatisfaction with the traditional elements and requested the establishment of a separate contemporary service. At our pastor’s request, I participated in a brief study of Biblical worship. Read the rest
… or, at least, didn’t mess things up too much. Manning’s absence exposed the Colts’ weaknesses in several areas, which probably contributed to the Polians getting axed. His absence also dumped a completely unexpected opportunity into Owner Jim Irsay’s lap. All of a sudden he could choose to hope that Manning would completely recover and Read the rest
Dr. Walter Williams is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University. This means that (a) he has a proven track record as an economist, and (b) he is in a position (in Fairfax, Virginia) to keep an eye on the corrupt enterprise that is our national government. In this column, Read the rest
Having looked at my junk-mail this morning, I had to take a moment to explain the effect yours had on me. I always vote; for the most part, I can only vote for career politicians; therefore, I usually have to vote for liars. But only up to a certain size. You and your Marxist bosses Read the rest
One reason that I don’t understand why some Christians fear open-ended scientific investigation is that there is only one source of truth – God. Every path that leads in the direction of truth leads in the direction of God. Any open-minded researcher who does not contort his particular path to point in a philosophically preferred Read the rest